(function ($) { 'use strict';
Returns true if the browser supports touch events
@return {boolean}
function supportsTouch() { return 'ontouchstart' in window || 'onmsgesturechange' in window; }
The menu class
@param {HTMLElement} item
@param {Array} [options]
function AriaMenu(item, options) { this.settings = $.extend(this.defaults, options); this.$elem = $(item); this.init(); } AriaMenu.prototype = {
Default settings Single quoted keys are required for the google closure compiler: http://closuretools.blogspot.de/2011/01/property-by-any-other-name-part-1.html
defaults: { 'focusClass': 'menuitem-focus', 'visibleMenuClass': 'show-menu', 'closeDelay': 100 }, events: {
Triggered if the users touches a link
@param {jQuery.event=} event
@this {HTMLElement} link
linkTouch: function (event) {
prevent the link execution
event.preventDefault(); var settings = event.data.settings;
Get the links parent element
var $touchedListElement = $(this).parent();
If a sub menu can be found and the user didn't tap this list item item just before
if ($touchedListElement.find('>ul').length && !$touchedListElement.hasClass(settings['focusClass'])) {
open the sub menu
prevent phantom clicks
preventPhantomClicks($(this)); } else {
Fix IOS-double click issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3038898/ipad-iphone-hover-problem-causes-the-user-to-double-click-a-link
this.click(); } },
Triggered if the user moves his mouse over a list item
listItemMouseOver: function () { $(this).focus(); },
Triggered if the user moves his mouse away from a list item
listItemMouseOut: function () { if ($(this).is(':focus')) { $(this).blur(); } },
Triggered if a list item receives focus
@param {jQuery.event=} event
@this {HTMLElement}
listItemFocus: function (event) { var settings = event.data.settings;
Stop hiding this element (clear timeout from listItemBlur)
Show the sub menus
$(this) .addClass(settings['focusClass']) .find('>ul') .addClass(settings['visibleMenuClass']); },
Triggered if the focus is lost
@param {jQuery.event=} event
@this {HTMLElement}
listItemBlur: function (event) { var settings = event.data.settings;
Wait for a short moment and hide the sub menus
debounce(this, function () { $(this).removeClass(settings['focusClass']) .find('>ul') .removeClass(settings['visibleMenuClass']); }, settings['closeDelay']); },
Triggered if a key event bubbles to a root menu list item
@param {jQuery.event=} event
keyDown: function (event) { var _this = event.data;
Escape pressed:
if (event.which === 27) { event.preventDefault();
Hide the menu
_this.closeMenu(); }
Arrow keys pressed:
else if (event.which >= 37 && event.which <= 40) { _this.events.arrowKeyDown.apply(this, arguments); } },
Triggered if an arrow key event bubbles to a root menu list item
@param {jQuery.event=} event
arrowKeyDown: function (event) { var _this = event.data;
Usually the event target is the focused link - so we pick the parent to get the active listElement
var $focusedListElement = $(event.target).closest('li'),
Get the focused menu element
$focusedMenu = $focusedListElement.closest('ul');
Get the sub menu (if one exists)
var $subMenu = $focusedListElement.find('>ul');
Get the parent element of the focused element (if one exists)
var $parentListElement = ($focusedListElement[0] === this) ? $() : $focusedMenu.closest('li'),
Get the parent menu of the focused element (if one exists)
$parentMenu = $parentListElement.parent();
Create a virtual cursor with the position of the focused element
var virtualCursor = new VirtualCursor();
Move the cursor over the current focused element
virtualCursor.moveOver($focusedListElement); virtualCursor.moveRelative(event.which, $focusedListElement.width(), $focusedListElement.height());
Select the element below the virtual cursor
var $selectedListElement = $(virtualCursor.getElementBelowCursor('li')), selectedMenu = $selectedListElement.parent()[0] || false;
Check if the virtual cursor selected a sibling menu item or if the virtual cursor selected a sub menu
if ($focusedMenu[0] === selectedMenu || $subMenu[0] === selectedMenu) { if (_this.selectListElement($selectedListElement)) { event.preventDefault(); } }
Check if the virtual cursor selected a parent menu
else if ($parentMenu[0] === selectedMenu) {
Select the parent list element
if (_this.selectListElement($parentListElement)) { event.preventDefault(); } } } },
Plugin initialization
init: function () { this.setAriaRoles(); this.$elem
Listen to mouse and keyboard events
.on('focusin', 'li', this, this.events.listItemFocus) .on('focusout', 'li', this, this.events.listItemBlur) .on('mouseover', 'a', this, this.events.listItemMouseOver) .on('mouseout', 'a', this, this.events.listItemMouseOut) .on('keydown', '>li', this, this.events.keyDown) .on('touchend', 'a', this, this.events.linkTouch)
Disable the css fallback
Add aria-menu class
Touch support
.addClass((supportsTouch() ? 'has' : 'no') + '-touch'); },
Helper function
find: function (selector) { return this.$elem.find(selector); },
Sets the focus to the first visible anchor child in this list element. The element might be an ul
or a li
element containing an a
@param {jQuery} $element
@returns {boolean}
selectListElement: function ($element) { return $element
Find the a
tag starting from the ul
or li
.find('>li>a, >a')
make sure that the anchor is visible
set the focus
as the filter selects only the first element the length can be either 0 or 1
.length === 1; },
Add Aria roles and poperties http://http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/
setAriaRoles: function () {
Add ARIA role to menu bar http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/roles#menubar
this.$elem.attr('role', 'menubar');
Add ARIA role to menu items http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/roles#menuitem
this.find('li').attr('role', 'menuitem'); this.find('a+ul')
Adding aria-haspopup for appropriate items http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/statesandproperties#aria-haspopup
.each(function () { $(this).prev('a').attr('aria-haspopup', 'true'); }); },
Closes the menu by removing the focus
closeMenu: function () { this.$elem.find(':focus').blur(); } };
A virtual mouse cursor which helps to support keyboard navigation
function VirtualCursor() { this.left = 0; this.top = 0; } VirtualCursor.prototype = {
Move the virtual cursor over the center of the given target
@param {HTMLElement|jQuery} target
moveOver: function (target) { var $target = $(target), $document = $(document);
Set left and top value
$.extend(this, $target.offset());
Move virtual cursor to the middle of the focused element relative to the current scroll position
this.top += 0.5 * $target.height() - $document.scrollTop(); this.left += 0.5 * $target.width() - $document.scrollLeft(); },
Moves the curse relative to the last position
@param direction {number} 37|38|39|40 Direction constant - as in the key code map https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent#Virtualkeycodes DOMVKLEFT 0x25 (37) Left arrow. DOMVKUP 0x26 (38) Up arrow. DOMVKRIGHT 0x27 (39) Right arrow. DOMVKDOWN 0x28 (40) Down arrow.
@param x {number}
@param y {number}
moveRelative: function (direction, x, y) {
{left} or {right} key pressed
if (direction === 37 || direction === 39) {
Move the virtual cursor horizontally event.which - 38 = -1 || +1
this.left += (direction - 38) * x; }
{up} or {bottom} key pressed
else {
Move the virtual cursor vertically event.which - 39 = -1 || +1
this.top += (direction - 39) * y; } },
Return the element at the current courser position
@param {string} [selector]
@returns {jQuery}
getElementBelowCursor: function (selector) { var $element = $(document.elementFromPoint(this.left, this.top)); if (selector) { $element = $element.closest(selector); } return $element; } };
Execute a function once per element after a given delay
@param {HTMLElement|jQuery} element
@param {function()=} [callback]
@param {number=} [delay]
function debounce(element, callback, delay) { clearTimeout(Number($(element).data('am-delay'))); if (callback && delay) { $(element).data('am-delay', setTimeout($.proxy(callback, element), delay)); } }
Prevent Android from triggering buggy phantom clicks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2987706/touchend-event-doesnt-work-on-android http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17352865/preventdefault-not-stopping-mouseup-event-on-android/19717278 http://jsfiddle.net/FjuHu/6/
@param {jQuery} $element
function preventPhantomClicks($element) {
Click catcher
@param {!jQuery.event=} event
function preventHandler(event) { event.preventDefault(); }
catch all events for the next 350ms
$element.on('click', preventHandler); setTimeout(function () { $element.off('click', preventHandler); }, 350); }
jQuery plugin interface Use quoted notation for the closure compiler ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS mode
$['fn']['ariaMenu'] = function (opt) { return this.each(function () { var item = $(this), instance = item.data('AriaMenu'); if (!instance) {
create plugin instance and save it in data
item.data('AriaMenu', new AriaMenu(this, opt)); } }); }; }(jQuery));.
global jQuery: true
jshint sub:true